Do you know the health benefits of blood donation for you ? Each day, thousands of people die from a lack of blood due to an accident, illness, or an inability to pay for blood. And while primarily the focus of blood donation has been on the generosity of the act and the donor’s action’s ability to save a life, there are many more health benefits of blood donation for you.
What to do when you decide to donate blood?
Before donating blood, we advise that you complete a simple physical examination and blood test to identify whether you have any underlying medical conditions, for example, anemia, low iron levels, etc., which can make immediate this donation harmful to your health.

Also, while you don’t need to make an appointment to donate blood, eligibility requirements differ on the types of blood donation, your blood health, and body weight. Thus, it is not uncommon that pregnant women, persons who have had recent sexual encounters without protection or injected drugs, and persons with congenital coagulation factor deficiency may not be eligible or directed to return for donation later.
Nevertheless, regardless of how healthy you consider yourself and your blood before you head to the hospital to donate blood, we recommend that you do the following:
- Rest adequately.
- Eat adequately for energy. Preferably less fatty food.
- Wear a top/clothing that is free and allows easy movement for blood collection.
Health Benefits of blood donation for you
1. Become a messiah
We are joking ?.
But yes, just one blood donation by you can save up to three lives.
2. Free health screening
Before your blood is collected, your blood is screened for vital medical conditions and infections. This provides essential health details like genotype, blood group, etc., and profits you.
Also, should any health issue be detected, you are informed immediately and directed to see a physician.
3. Prevents Hemochromatosis
Blood donation regularly reduces harmful iron storage and iron overload in the blood, helping prevent Hemochromatosis (a health condition caused by excess iron absorption by the body).
4. Stimulates blood production
After donating blood, the body works hard to replenish the blood donated, hence stimulating the production of new blood cells, and helping to maintain good health.
5. Supports weight loss
Hold on!!!!! We hate to inform you that you will not drop a dress size in one donation sitting ?. However, for those of us on a weight loss journey, it might help to know that you can lose up to 650 calories per pint of blood donated.
6. Lowers your risk of cardiovascular diseases
Regular blood donations have been linked to reduced blood pressure and heart attacks. This is because If your haemoglobin is too high, blood donation can help to lower the viscosity of the blood, keeping you in tip-top shape.
7. Helps you maintain a healthy liver
Another organ that benefits from our donating blood is our liver. When you donate blood, the excess iron storage in the liver is depleted, reducing the risk of liver failure and infections.

Are there any side effects of donating blood?
Yes. And It’s important to note that while donating blood is generally a risk-free action, persons who donate blood may experience temporary reactions such as fainting, weakness, nausea, muscle contractions, dizziness, etc.
To minimize the chances of any of these side effects, please hydrate property and eat foods rich in iron before and after your blood donation.
All in all, donating blood is a win-win for all parties involved. While the donees receive blood that keeps them alive and healthy, the donors also benefit from improved blood and body health with little to no effort.
If you’re considering blood donation and for any of the health benefits discussed above and would like to run a blood test to confirm your health status, click here. Alternatively, you can walk into any of our laboratory centers without booking.
See you soon!