Are you tired of protecting yourself from Covid-19? If yes, then you are not alone, whole world is struggling with Covid-19.
Having fought COVID-19 bravely for the past three years, it is safe to say that we are all a bit pandemic fatigued.
We are all looking forward to the days when we will finally be able to share hugs like sweets and party without a mask.

Sadly, however, complacency is the new normal for many of us.
Possibly born out of the desire to return to pre corona, thousands are no longer carrying out the necessary precautionary measures to avoid contact with the virus. From people ditching their nose masks to crowded “owambes” and reduced virus testing, the current attitude to the virus is extremely scary. Especially so because complacency does not protect and refusing to adhere to precautions only means increased chances of infections and possibly deaths.
Also, the media’s drop in corona deaths reporting has aided complacent public attitudes, fueling the misconception that the virus is dead when nothing is farther from the truth.
As individuals, we must note that a decline in the reported statistics of infected persons is not always an accurate representation of reality. The statistics garnered by countries depend on a country’s ability to oversee test reports, a responsibility often hindered by resources.
If history has taught anything, it is that we cannot retire on hope alone.

We must learn from countries like USA and Italy, who in the past adopted a carefree attitude to warring the virus and paid the price.
Granted, some countries are reporting fewer cases of the COVID-19 virus and lifting restrictions, but “the pandemic is far from over”. “It will not be over anywhere until it’s over everywhere”, said WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Things you must do to protect yourself from Covid-19
Thankfully, we are almost at the finish line, and we will get there if we continue to:
- Keep our masks on and ensure that it covers our nose, mouth, and chin adequately.
- Practice social distancing whenever in public.
- Get vaccinated to boost immunity.
- Avoid crowds, indoor gatherings, and close contact with others.
- Wash and sanitize hands frequently.
- Cover mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching face with hands.
- Book a PCR test if showing symptoms.
- Self-isolate upon contact with the virus or a person with the virus.
- Know the full range of the virus symptoms to enable you know when to test or call your healthcare provider.
If you or anyone you know begins to feel unwell, please seek medical attention from your healthcare provider immediately. Common symptoms of the virus to be on the lookout for are fever, dry cough, tiredness and loss of taste or smell, body aches and pains, headache, sore throat, red or irritated eyes, diarrhea, and skin rash.
You can call us on 016291000 & 016290998 or book a COVID-19 test here while you stay in isolation. Remember that home collection of your samples is “FREE” with us at Afriglobal Medicare.
Remember to continue adopting safe practices and keep up to date with the latest information on the virus only from trusted sources. In addition, you can read more about protecting yourself on the blog here.